Scope of the project
Scope of the project
The overall project objectives are to demonstrate, state-of-the-art methods and approaches that will improve the compatibility of wind farm development, with the EU biodiversity conservation targets, and to develop prescriptions and guidelines that will enable Greek state authorities and wind farm developers to effectively plan, implement and regularly evaluate the performance of the mitigation technologies, for the benefit of affected biodiversity.
The project has been prepared in accordance with the objectives and guidelines provided by the EU guidance document “Wind energy development and Natura 2000” and aims to demonstrate the practical application of post-construction assessment and post-construction mitigation.
Good Practice Guide and Decision Support Tool produced in the project will provide further technical elaboration and tools for implementation of procedures identified in the EU guidance document.
The project puts emphasis in minimizing impacts of wind farms on biodiversity outside sensitive sites such as those of the Natura 2000 network and for that reason the Demonstration Site has been selected to be outside such areas.
During the last years, a significant number of new wind farm applications have been approved in Greece, under the strict provision of involving modern mitigation technologies to minimize biodiversity impacts. At present, competent authorities and wind farm developers lack the experience and know-how for the proper implementation and assessment of the performance of such technologies and the proposed project aims to resolve this urgent problem.
More specifically, the project aims at demonstrative implementation of integrated approaches in post-construction mitigation, to reduce impacts on biodiversity, in accordance with EU Guidance document “Wind energy development and Natura 2000” and on the basis of available novel and modern methods and technologies. An assessment will also be made of the extent to which their use can reduce the impacts on biodiversity, whilst maintaining the power output of wind farms.
The project is supported by a project Advisory Committee, which will involve state agencies, wind farm developers, nature conservation NGOs and the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, in Greece.