Associated Beneficiaries & Participants
The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources & Saving (CRES) is the Greek National centre for Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Rational Use of Energy (RUE) and Energy Saving (ES). CRES is supervised by the Ministry of Environment, having, nevertheless, financial and administrative independence. The general objectives of CRES are the R&D and the promotion of RES through close collaboration with similar research centres, universities and industry and the dissemination of information on RES. During the twenty years of its operation CRES has participated in more than 500 European and National projects including R&D, demonstration, energy information systems, feasibility studies, technical and economic studies, market research, as well as promotional activities for the use of RES/RUE/ES. Today CRES has a scientific staff of more than 120 highly experienced and specialized scientists and engineers.
CRES is a member of European and international networks of similar organizations, such as: EnR, MEDENER, FEDARENE, Energy Cities, EUFORES, OPET, EUREC, Efficiency 2000, etc. CRES cooperates with large international organizations such as IEA, UNESCO, ISES, PLEA, IEC, CEN/CENELEC,etc. CRES' Wind Department is involved in research projects through National and EEC funding, dealing with all aspects of wind energy: wind potential assessment, wind turbine system design & testing, wind energy integration and more recently, with generic R&D asks through CFD modelling. Within EU Projects, the Wind Energy Department has organized several seminars, workshops, etc. CRES is the official government advisor on onshore and offshore wind energy. CRES owns the Park of Energy Awareness (PENA), a Park for the awareness of the general public on Renewable Energy Sources (RES), in Attica Region. It is located in the 3.01 MW Demonstration Wind Farm that CRES operates since 1998 and has developed for both R&D and certification of Wind Turbine systems.

The Nature Conservation Consultants Ltd (NCC)  is a consulting company run by nature experts with long term experience and specialization in applied nature conservation, in Greece and the surrounding region.
Members of NCC have coordinated or have contributed in the implementation of more than 14 Life Nature and Life Environment projects within the last 13 years, collaborating with ministries, regional and local public authorities, NGOs and Research Institutes in Greece and abroad. The expertise gained through these projects provides NCC with top technical capacity and know-how in a number of fields including scientific coordination of LIFE projects, production of general guidelines on assessment of impacts of construction and operation of wind farms on birds in Greece, sensitivity mapping for impact of wind farms on priority bird species in Greece, assessment of impacts and planning mitigation measures for particular wind farms, land and at-sea bird and biodiversity field surveys, telemetry, GIS and database development and various technical consultations for assessment of sites and management works. The role of NCC in the proposed project is to provide scientific coordination of the biodiversity aspects of the project, scientific resources and expertise to implement recording of biodiversity in project areas (birds, bats) and assessment of actual and potential impacts on this biodiversity from operation of wind farms. NCC will also provide its bird survey equipment for the development of the Mobile Avian Laboratory for the monitoring of the efficiency of the mitigation techniques. NCC will aid in the adaptation of the modern assessment and mitigation technologies to Greek/Mediterranean conditions. NCC has been actively involved in ornithological surveys related with wind farms and owns relevant equipment.

Moreover, the action is supported by the
- European Wind Energy Association, EWEA,
- Hellenic Wind Energy Association, HWEA
- WWF Greece
- Jasper Energy Renewable
- Public Power Corporation Renewables S.A.