Project Results
Project Results
Ôhe results expected to be achieved are as follows:
• A well-structured and effective project management to ensure smooth and effective project operation and implementation.
• Detailed reports on demonstration of mitigation measures, using Early Warning Systems for controlling wind turbine operation and/or deterring birds.
• Creation of an open mitigation laboratory at PENA demonstration wind farm, presenting on a regular basis the use of biodiversity mitigation technologies to interested stakeholders.
• Demonstration of the efficiency and applicability of biodiversity mitigation measures applied monitored with the use of state of the art technologies and practices at the project site and evaluation on the effect of mitigation measures on energy production.
• Design, operation and regular update of the project web-site.
• Production and dissemination of 5000 copies of project leaflets, 5000 copies of project brochures on promote methods and 200 copies of the Layman’s report.
• Preparation and production of 1000 copies of a Good Practice Guide, as well as its promotion and dissemination and of a GIS Decision Support Tool for wind farm sitting and mitigation in relation to biodiversity available on the projects’ website for the stakeholders to use.
• Training of key stakeholders (such as competent authorities, wind energy developers, nature NGOs), in the procedures and standards for the elaboration, operation and evaluation of biodiversity mitigation technologies in wind farms. At least 100 interested stakeholders will be trained through the project seminars.
• Organization of two project workshops, numerous training seminars and an international scientific symposium.
• A decisive boost for the proper implementation of biodiversity mitigation technologies in wind farms of Greece is expected.