The Project
Associated Beneficiaries & Participants
The project will offer a unique opportunity to create cooperation among key stakeholders involved in the issue of impact of wind farms in biodiversity on a national and international level, namely wind farm developers, state agencies and authorities, academic and research institutions, consultancies and environmental NGOs. Apart from the project partnership which consists of the state advisory agency on issues of renewable resources CRES, and a specialized consultancy NCC, the major wind farm developers will have active involvement in the project, as well as other stakeholders on national and European level (Hellenic Wind Energy Association, European wind Energy Association (EWEA), and environmental NGOs. This unique cooperation will ensure optimal output of the project and its utilization by key stakeholder groups.
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Starting Date of the Project
The project started in January 2013 (1-10-2013). The planned end date was 30-09-2017. The new end date of the project is 31-12-2018.
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