Project Workshop presentations, CRES Demonstration Wind Farm, 15-07-2016
The project workshop is successfully implemented by CRES and NCC at CRES Wind Farm-PENA in Keratea. The attendances came from the Wind Energy Sector (wind investors and wind energy manufacturers), energy and environmental consultants and environmental organizations. More analytical the participants were from PPC RENEWABLES, ENERCON HELLAS, GAMESA ENERGIAKI HELLAS S.A., ÅËËÇÍÉÊÇ ÔÅ×ÍÏÄÏÌÉÊÇ ÁÍÅÌÏÓ Á.Å., ÅÕÄÉÔÇ Á.Å., ÅËÉÊÁ Á.Å., EDF-EN, JASPER WIND Ltd, ENVECO S.A., WWF, ÅÍÔÅÊÁ Á.Å., ÔÅÑÍÁ ÅÍÅÑÃÅÉÁÊÇ ÁÂÅÔÅ, ENEL GREEN POWER HELLAS, ROKAS-RENEWABLES S.A., HELLENIC ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, EOLFI WIND HELLAS A.E., Within the workshop a demonstration of the equipment has been installed in NEG MICON/750kW wind turbine is implemented.
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Workshop Presentations 1, DELTA EVROU, KOMOTINI, 17-10-2016
In the two workshops the modern technologies of preventing collisions of birds on Wind turbines – The DTBird system, and bat detector systems that are available in the market were presented. The experience from the operation of these systems at CRES Wind farm is also presented in the workshops. The two meetings, with the same theme, implemented in Alexandroupolis and in Komotini. In the two workshops several organizations were participated such as the Prefecture of East Macedonia and Thrace, WWF HELLAS, Evros Forestry, Alexandroupolis Forestry, Ìanagement Body of Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, etc. Both workshops were closed with productive discussions and a interest for further cooperation on the main scope, to minimize the impacts of Wind farms on Biodiversity in Greece.
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